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  • Writer's pictureGail Bowen

An Evening with Prince Edward

Also, some reminiscences about a play I co-authored, Dancing in Poppies.

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4 komentarze

Rosemary McCracken
Rosemary McCracken
06 kwi

Lovely story!

Gail Bowen
Gail Bowen
06 kwi
Odpowiada osobie:

Let's stay in touch.


06 kwi

What a touching story ❤️ Names have a funny way of triggering memories. My kindergarten teacher here in Winnipeg was Mrs. Farlinger. In those days kindergarten wasn’t part of the public school system. She had a kindergarten in her home at the end of my street. I went to kindergarten with my friends many of whom were a year older than I was. When they went on to grade one in school I was too young. So I repeated kindergarten at Mrs, Farlinger’s home. She made me her teaching assistant because I knew where everything was! I grew up to become a teacher myself!

I was at a funeral this week for a friend’s mother. She had been in the…

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