Our farm cousins came into town. From the oldest to the youngest we made up our own gang. No one suggested messing with our group or our biggest sisters would show them who was boss. We ran for miles up and down sidewalks and up and down both sides of the streets. We relished every molasses candy kiss, (they tasted like molasses and I think they were called kisses) and sucker.
Oct 25, 2021
What a tough and rumble life you led in the west end of Toronto, Mrs. Bowen, in comparison to the staid and quiet Hallowe'ens we experienced in The Beach, where the worst that happened was the wooden bridge over the Glen Manor ravine being set on fire every year ... but never, ever done by me or any kids I knew!
Oct 25, 2021
What a great story about your Halloween experiences.
Our farm cousins came into town. From the oldest to the youngest we made up our own gang. No one suggested messing with our group or our biggest sisters would show them who was boss. We ran for miles up and down sidewalks and up and down both sides of the streets. We relished every molasses candy kiss, (they tasted like molasses and I think they were called kisses) and sucker.
What a tough and rumble life you led in the west end of Toronto, Mrs. Bowen, in comparison to the staid and quiet Hallowe'ens we experienced in The Beach, where the worst that happened was the wooden bridge over the Glen Manor ravine being set on fire every year ... but never, ever done by me or any kids I knew!
What a great story about your Halloween experiences.