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  • Writer's pictureGail Bowen

You Say Goodbye, and I Say Hello (Part 2)

In which Gail makes her way down the hall and through the door that leads to home, but not without some stops for goodbyes along the way...

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댓글 3개

2023년 9월 03일

Such good news! I hope your recovery continues apace, and that your new life is filled with family and joy. Cara


Ilonka Halsband
Ilonka Halsband
2023년 9월 01일

Your attitude is inspirational, Gail. I truly mean that and it's why I've printed this post and the previous one to share with a friend who is also experiencing a health challenge that had her in hospital and various care facilities for several months. She will not be returning home but the way she has accepted her circumstances and settled into her new life is also inspirational. I thank you both for showing me how to face the complications life sometimes throws our way.

Gail Bowen
Gail Bowen
2023년 9월 02일
답글 상대:

Dear Ilonka,

Thank you for sharing the newsletters with your friend. I hope the newsletters help your friend realize that she's not alone. I'm glad you're visiting regularly. My friend, Joanne, brought me lunch every Friday. Joanne's a great cook and having a picnic lunch outside with a dear friend kept me smiling.

I'm not yet ready to make your friend a lovely lunch, but please let her know I'm thinking of her and I'm keeping hern my prayers.



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